The Cowrie Collective is a collaborative labour of love, care, and everyday joys of three sisters, Gaurie, Devika, and Namaah.
Bound by our passion for everything mindful, sustainable, and stylish, we're all about bringing you fashion that is at the confluence of the comfortable and the contemporary.

Our collection, ‘Earth Laughs in Flowers’, inspired by the Ralph Waldo Emerson poem ‘Hamatreya’, celebrates the timeless charm of flora.
Each piece embodies the delicate balance between elegance and comfort, our interconnectedness with nature, and the power of conscious choices in shaping a more beautiful world.

May you feel the Earth's gentle rhythm beneath your feet, and the vibrant energy of blossoming flowers in your heart.

  • People

    Empowering artisans through fair wages and preserving timeless crafts.

  • Planet

    Committed to eco-friendly practices for a greener, more sustainable future.

  • Purpose

    Celebrating individuality through conscious fashion that tells a story.

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